Rathgeberstr. 47
D - 80997 München
Phone +49-178-7298449 (Cell Phone)
You can reach us at:
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You can easily reach us with the S-Bahn S1 (Blue Line),
stopping at the Munich-Moosach S-Bahn station (ca. 15 minutes drive from Munich
Main Railway Station).
Alternatively, you can take the U3 from Marienplatz (ca. 18 minutes).
From the S-Bahn station, it is 5 minutes by foot to our Studio, at the end of
the Rathgeberstr. If needed, we can pick you up at the S-Bahn station.
By car, coming from the city center or Mittlerer Ring: Drive north, following
the Dachauerstr. At the Donauwörtherstraße (AGIP gas station) turn left. The
second street on the right is the Rathgeberstr.
By car, coming from the motorway: Leave the motorway at the
"Anschlußstelle Ludwigsfeld". Follow the direction of the city
center. Cross the large bridge over the railway area. At the corner of the
Dachauerstr. (Sign MOOSACH), turn right. Drive south, following the Dachauerstr.
You will see LIDL on your left hand and ALDI on your right hand. At the
Donauwörtherstraße (AGIP gas station) turn right. The second street on the
right is the Rathgeberstr.
Normally, there are enough free parking places.