Moonlake Editions UG was founded in 2011 by Hans de Roos, Liudmila Baryshnikova and Nadine Herbst, supported by a network of friends and colleagues from the letters and art world.
A lot has happened in the last couple of years! At the moment, we focus on completing and promoting our series of Dracula- and fantasy-related books. After publishing The Ultimate Dracula just in time before the centennial of Bram Stoker's death in April 2012, we have created Dracula by Bram Stoker - A Guide to Traveling and a translation of Makt Myrkranna (an early modification of Dracula) from Icelandic to English, in cooperation with Dacre Stoker and Prof. John Edgar Browning. Simply click the links to get to the project websites for both books.
As even the best book cannot be successful without powerful distribution channels, our strategy is to bring these works to the market in cooperation with established publishers. Both manuscripts are under review with partners like Schiffer Publishing or Bloomsbury Publishing at the moment. A further book about Professor van Helsing is in the making. We are always open for further partnerships. Learn more about these possibilities by visiting the WORK
WITH US section.
Our series of artistic photo projects has not been forgotten, however: well-known tales und novels freshly illustrated by truly amazing photo scenes. We have found new ways to visualise Grimm's Fairy Tales, Edgar A. Poe's best stories, Carmilla by Joseph Sheridan le Fanu, Alice in Wonderland, Bocaccio's Decameron, Dante's Inferno, Beauty and the Beast, Baron von Münchhausen (The Lying Baron), medieval Fabliaux, Pinocchio and many more classic bestsellers. Between 2011 and 2015, a mass of post-production work has been done with the help of our intern team and we continue to prepare book and art editions of these series.
An extra dimension, finally, you will find in our Digital Sculpture Project: Between 2001 and 2008, Hans and his team created a series of high-resolution 3D scans of original plaster sculptures by Auguste Rodin, Camille Claudel, Jean-Baptiste Carpeaux, Aristide Maillol and other artists in 25 art museums all over Europe. The amount of data was so huge, that it would have taken ages to process them with the computers of that time. By now, processor technology has greatly progressed, so that we soon will start working with these unique collection of "virtual sculptures" and publish about them.
For any questions about books, cooperation in the field of publishing/distribution or internships, please, do not hesitate to contact us.
Your Moonlake Editions Team